
Following the Path

In 2015 there were numerous things I had to endure, good and bad. I frequently heard the voice of the Lord calling me in various directions, which was overwhelming. All I wanted to do was avoid it. But, with a gentle and powerful nudge, He led me to the place where He desired me to be.

Through all this, I was most inspired by the time I spent with the children at Vacation Bible School (VBS). If you’ve never been, VBS is an opportunity for children to learn about God over the summer by learning Bible stories, making artwork, singing, dancing, playing games and memorizing Bible verses.

Following this path was not an easy task; I struggled in countless ways. But being with the children restored my worn spirit, and stirred many happy memories from my own VBS experiences.

At the first VBS I read my story, Sofia and Her Morningstar, and also shared my testimony. At another VBS, there were some children who had previously heard my story. When they realized I was there to help them recite Bible verses, they reacted with such exhilaration and recited verses with confidence. If they stammered, I would urge them to try harder… and they did! I loved the children’s high spirits and pure hearts.

So by assisting these children I learned my lesson: Never to turn away from God’s calling. What He has planned for us is part of His great purpose. Let Him guide us with His loving hands toward the path He has placed before us, no matter the cost.

“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit–fruit that will last–and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you” (John 15:16, NIV).


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